Saturday, June 20, 2009

Main Mak-Mak, Main Masak-Masak~


so today saye memasak...haha
x, bukan kecoh...
tp i cume masak bile i ade mood utk masak je...
n i only masak foods yg i mkn...
yela, cne i nk masak laok yg i xmkn kn...
cne nk rase nnt laok tu jd ke x...

arini my mum suro i wat dgg merah...
tah np kalo nk buat dgg merah mmg i la yg akn buat...
so, disebabkn td gedik maen tgkp2 gmba mase masak,
ape kate upload je kat blog ni n buat ala2 recipe page?
bkn la sedap pon....
tp bole la di mkn.... :)

here is how u do it!


Daging ofcoz...
Bwg besar..
Bwg putih..
Cili merah
Cili hijau
Cili padi
Daun limau
Sos cili
Sos tomato
Sos tiram
Pewarna merah


1. Firstly, boil some water dlm periuk...letak sedikit pewarna merah..

2. Kemudian, masok kn dgg yg telah dibeli..(dlm bentuk ketulan)

3. Sementara tunggu dgg tu masak n empuk, potong bwg merah,
bwg putih, sedikit halia, lada merah, hijau dan sedikit cili padi
jika mahu pedas..

kalo suke, bole gune x suke capsicum hehe...

4. Next, bile dgg dah siap rebus, tos kn n hiris dgg nipis2...

WATCH OUT, dgg tu panasssss so gune la garfu n pisau utk
potong.. kalo da sejuk tu ok la notin to wori :)

5. Panas kn minyak. Then tumis bwg, cili n halia yg dah
potong td..taburkn sedikit garam n gula..

6. Bila dah naik bau, masok kn sos cili, sos tomato n sos tiram
secukup rasa, den gaul...

7. Masuk kn pulak dgg yg dah dihiris td..
Gaul la smpi rata~ :)

8. Tadaa~! Ready to be served. :D

Selamat Mencuba!~ ;)


Friday, June 19, 2009

Live It or Dream It!

Have u ever dream of something that u should really be doing, causing u not to live out the dream?

it happened to me a few times before n today it hpnd again!
it kinda disappoint me this time cause i missed my final class for the shortsem bcz of it..

at 7am i got a text from my brother asking me to iron my dad's clothe since my mum was with him sending off my along for work...
so i did n went off to bed again...
(eventho i cud just go for shower since my cls is at 830...but cam lame lg laaa...lepak lu... :p)
but i cudn sleep...
so i just guling2 n tarik selimut n forced my eyes to shut...
but it wont! iskkkk
at 745 or so jim called coz i told him to wake me up since i went off to bed late dat nite and morning classes during this shortsem is one hell of a big problem to me i dono why...
so, instead of being the strenght for me to get out of bed like it always did, the call dozed me back to sleep quite instantly!
i was on the fon, told him im already up, convinced him since he knows me so well that i dont easily wakes up for things like studying and cls [hehehe], the next thing i knw i opened my eyes n its 9:18am!
i was like, shoooooooooottttttttttttt!

so u know what hpnd? what made me sleep thru till that 9:18am??

i had a dream.....

i dreamt that i dressed for class, went to pick up Dri in section 7, got to class n even had sum lil discussion with some of my classm8s...

so there, I WENT TO CLASS...
can u really blame me?
coz i DID went didnt i?
how was i supposed to know it was only a dream since it was the thing i was actually supposed to be doing...
i was supposed to be living up the dream...

i think this is dangerous....
coz mane la tau nnt if i tertdo n dream that im doin my final exam ke?
important interview ke?
meet a dateline ke??

but those kinda thing myb possibilty nye kureng skit la tu hpn coz i'll be having those butterflies and dragon flies cracking my stomach waiting for those exams and important datelines...
so i wont be able to sleep evn if i want to...

so there goes....


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Menuju Puncak!

askum kamu kamu~ :D

so smlm saye, jim, angah n zar gi check out the UiTM Puncak Alam punye campus~
yeah coz jim @ nazmi will be doin his dgree there later on in july, so die nk tgk la where it is, how long is the journey n stuff..

kat puncak alam tu ade 2 je fakulti yg ktorg nmpk....
FSK n FF...
die ade FSK 2,3,4 & FSK 1,5....
pelik skit la np die ssh cmtu but lantak la kn...haha
den die ade FF1 and bp tah xigt hehe...
xde pon fac for jim nye course tu...

so ktorg pon round2 la tgk ape lg ade....
ade 2 klj, rafflesia n angsana...
and kolam2 and 2 -3 roundabouts~
uitm s.alm ade 1 je kat dlm uitm den 1 lg kat sec 2 yg bz tuh...
die ade more k! hahaha
pastu die ade byk kolam i tink...
coz ktorg tjmpe 2 kolam yg bernombor...
the 1st one ktorg nmpk KOLAM KERING 4.
"weh ko ktne tu?"
"kat kolam kering 4"

pastu lagi 1 KOLAM BASAH 7.
"weh aku tunggu korg kat kolam basah 7 k."

myb nnt muncul la shortform KK4 n KB7 ke kn...
so, ade no.4 n 7. mesti la ade 123456 nye kn?
die menang kolam la kot...

owh i like the parking spaces coz dlm building...ala2 mcm kat tesco punye tu so xde la kete bjemur tgh pns n ujan la...hee

jln die kat dlm tu byk kona2....
i guess for future purposes kot...
nk built sumtin kat each selok belok tu ke kn...

ok lah here are some pics i from the visit~


keris taming sari nk cucuk makhluk2 unwanted? huhu

makhluk2 itu kemudiaannye di simpan di dlm bekas labu nih...huhuhu...
yela, cube pk, ape motif nye nk letak labu2 ni kat roundabt tuh...
xde bnde laen ke nk letak...da la ade byk...

kolej rafflesia & angsana

inilah die kolam yg saye mksd kn td...
faculty jim~! ;p

dah kering pon nk measure lg ke bp dlm? huhu

can u see the tangga from klj to fac?
huhuhu kurus la sape dok kolej tu nnt...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

duRian CraZe!

hey ppl! i think its durians time all around! isn't it?
huhu i think so...
coz almost everywhere i go i can seeeeee n smelllll durian~
and this is the time where u can find the yummy good ones! ;)

so, last friday my uncle summoned my dad to look for gOod durians~
we went to klang.. :)
we had two stop that nite coz at the first stop, the durians wasnt that nice...
so we continue our journey of durian hunting! ;p
those in chow kit are great but my dad malas nk g KL on friday nite...
yeah i wudnt wana be stucked in the insane traffic as well...
hilg selera nnt hehe!

here are some pics of that nite :)
smpi pkl 1++ a.m k kami jln2 crk durian!

durian yg cantik2, i amik dlu~ heee :D

my brothers n sis~ along sleeping in the car kepenatan huhu
owh my bro yg specky ni x mkn durian actly..
tp disebabkn die tgk smorg mkn mcm best gak nye, die pon join~
if slalu kalo kne pakse die mkn 1 je, dat nite he ate quite a lot huhu..
hehe bgs2 ;)

suro org br blk PLKN menunjukkn kekuatan skit after 3 bln latihan kat kem kn...
ngeh ngeh

okeh pics yg kat bwh ni plak was taken during the wknds kat my dad's kmpg in melaka...
the craze started bile my paksu who just came back from visiting his fren in Muar brought back some durians yg chumels~
yes, chumels coz dah la die kecik je, pastu duri die pon kecik2 je....
Durian Botak they call it...
each ruang kat durian tu ade 1 je isi...
so if pizzaade personal pizza, ni mcm personal durian~lol
here2 take a look :)

chumels n yummy~~

cant post my pic coz burok~ this is my sis :) n the durian botaks ;p

disebabkn xpuas mkn those durian botaks, again we headed for jln2 carik durian in melaka!
we found some durians in pantai kelebang or pantai puteri [lupe which one haha]...
n they were delicious too!

durians love.xx

Sunday, June 7, 2009


yeayyy arini ayah approved my permintaan to let me wear contact lense~
b4 this die x bg coz my eye sight perfect so die kate nnt mate elok2 xde pape jd pape plak...
yela btol gak la i sndri pon mmg cam ragu2 skit nk pakai but da boring laaaa kaler rmbt n ptg2 rmbt je...
so nk wtpe lg?
kaler kn mate plak la...ehehehe

so td g curve tetb bile tnye kat ayah die kasi plak...
ape lagi cpt2 b4 die change his mind ;p

xtau nk pilih kaler ape so igt nk amik je la grey, blue n green..
but grey abis plak...
so tpkse la amik pure hazel...heh
at the mo im wearing the blue one...
esk ade kenduri n theme die green so xnk la nnt pakai bj green, mate pon nk green kn...
over! lol

ok thats all for now...
sje nk share dis hepinez yg timbul since a few gloomy days...
its almost 3am!
esk nk bgn awl...
eh esk mende nye? jp lg la...3-4 hours lg kne bgn...

k k...


Saturday, June 6, 2009

i just have to...

so i guess i will just have to go to that event on sunday for the sake of one person and that one person only....
i can't risk hurting that person's feelings..

i hope i won't hurt any feelings at this end...

Friday, June 5, 2009

i like disaster?


so today, i bgn pagi2 coz had to finish...well actually START my take home test which i have to submit by 12pm today...
last nite kn kemalasan n xde mood so pagi td menggelabah la...hahaha
ran to dri's for help..hoho
kne submit kat ofis n we arrived at 1210 or so...ofis dah tutup!
bukan ke patotnye ttp at 1230?? huhhu~
so mase tu cam panic button mula menyala blk tp cam di cover oleh wajah yg cool...
(bcoz of me dri pon lmbt anta....sorry dri~~ hukhuk)
pastu nsb baek la bile dri bukak je pintu ofis tu masih ade org di dlm...
so dpt la ktorg anta n sign the attendance as a prove ktorg da submit the work ;)

den g lunch kat barra...
tjmpe din,aifa,fisya,afi n mardiah...
din ajk join so cam, ok :)
dgr la dorg bcerita bout the cases they've been hearing kat court..

ade this one case tu if i x silap the stepfather raped his two step-daughters..
then the elder sister gave birth...a month later, the younger sis gave birth plak...
*i know..*

smlm maz ade cite bout this case whre the guy mistakenly cangkul kepale org in the dark coz igt die cangkul tu tanah...

these kind of stories je la yg buat i feel interested to do my attchmt nxt sem kat court...
coz i'd like to be there n listen n take a real look at those humans who misplaced their hearts..
other than that, yeah maz? huhu

owh ptg td my bro asked me send him his cert kat anggerik mall..
odw tu i lalu kat bukit IPK n i saw cam asap2 n i tot it was fogging..
but then ade byk kete n a few cars yg nk masok this one junction buat u-turn..
so then br i nmpk ade fire brigade..
rupenye theres this house, terbakarrr~
i was like, eh rumah yg ade mustang tu ke? (huhu..coz xley bla there r times whre die bia mustang tu park kat tepi jln for days x gerak2 pon..x syg bg la i ke kn...hee)
sorry....kesian dorg..

i realized that [well da lame da i think i realized this] i like disasters...
i like something that when it happens, it will hit me and make me realized and appreciate things n life better...

ni i just came back from sending my mum and aunt to masjid..
sje la nk lalu area td tu tgk which house yg terbakar...
yep it was the mustang house...

but then i saw sumtin else..
kat umh nazmi!
eeh? huhu
mcm awl je..
sunday majlis arini da psg da khemah...
or mmg majlis tmrw but i je silap thinking its sunday?

i dono if im goin pon...
80% of me is so reluctant...
i think we need magic to make me feel happy to go~

ok lah...
